New Delhi: As the country was coming to terms with the grisly murder of an Apple employee in Lucknow, another incident of similar nature has emerged to shock the national capital. In a bone-chilling incident, a 34-year-old man was shot dead outside his residence by an alleged drug dealer on Sunday evening. The shocking video was caught on CCTV.

In the visuals, the perpetrator in a cap is seen coming close to the victim identified as Rupesh and spraying bullets and later fleeing along with his accomplice. A shocked Rupesh is seen holding his chest in agony before collapsing to the ground. Reports say Rupesh was rushed to the hospital but succumbed to bullet injuries.

The victim’s brother told ABP News that their area was blighted by drug dealers who brazenly operated from the adjoining slums. Rupesh had often protested and complained to the police about the illegal trade but nothing was done to put a stop to it.

“This land belongs to Delhi Police. At least 5000-10000 people visit the slums, passing through out colony, to purchase drugs. The drug sellers roam with weapons. Police paid no heed to Rupesh’s complaints. He was playing cricket and was shot dead. This is a total failure of Delhi Police,” said Umesh.

Rupesh is survived by his wife and two little daughters.

The killers have not been caught yet.

The appalling crime triggered protests in the area on Sunday night accusing the police of being hand in glove with the accused. The protesters set a couple of vehicles ablaze, reports said.