Hyderabad shocker: WhatsApp chatting claimed two lives after a married man and his girlfriend allegedly committed suicide after man's wife repeatedly asked him to stop chatting with his lover. The incident was reported from Hyderabad, where the deceased man identified as Shiva Kumar committed suicide on Saturday after his wife chided him for continuously chatting over WhatsApp with his friend. The 27-year-old Kumar ended his life by hanging himself when he was alone in his house on Saturday.

Unable to bear the trauma of her boyfriend's death, Kumar's girlfriend Venella consumed acid. She succumbed at the government-run Gandhi Hospital on Sunday. Venella was 19 and she was a resident of the same neighbourhood. The Saturday incident occurred in Maredpally in Secunderabad, the twin city of Hyderabad.

According to the report, Kumar decided to take this major step after his wife Lahari took him to task for continuously chatting with his friend and threatened to complain to the family elders.

The couple got married last month but Shiva Kumar, an electrician, remained in touch with his childhood friend over phone. Lahari had repeatedly asked her husband to stop chatting with Venella.

After learning about Shiva Kumar's suicide, Venella slipped into depression. With locals blaming her for his death, she consumed acid and succumbed while undergoing treatment.