In a major blow to the Aam Admi Party (AAP), the Delhi High Court on Wednesday refused to grant bail to Sanjay Singh in Delhi's Excise policy case. He was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on October 2023 in the case and has been denied bail by the high court for the second time.

According to ANI, the high court on Wednesday refused to grant bail to Singh. He has been in judicial custody since October 13, 2023, was arrested after ED conducted a search at his residence. 

In December 2023, a trial court rejected his bail plea. The ED has alleged that Singh played a key role in framing and implementing the now-scrapped Delhi liquor policy. The central agency has alleged that the policy was framed to benefit specific liquor manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.

Earlier, the high court rejected his another bail plea in October 2023 observing that ED is a premier investigating agency and saying it has political motives can impact image of the country.

Singh's bail petition is also pending in the Supreme Court. Last week, the top court decided to wait for high court's verdict that reserved its verdict.

ALSO READ | Delhi Liquor Policy: Court Asks CM Kejriwal To Appear In Person On February 17

Singh is the third AAP leader to be implicated in the now scrapped Delhi liquor policy case.

In another setback to AAP, Delhi's Rouse Avenue Court on Wednesday issued summons to AAP convenor and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to appear before the court on February 17 in the Delhi Liquor Policy case. 

The court has asked CM Kejriwal to appear in person in the next hearing. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) moved the court after the Delhi CM skipped five summons by the agency in the alleged money laundering case.

On the fresh summon by the Delhi Court, the AAP said that they will study the court order and take the appropriate legal step. They further said that they will tell the court how all summonses issued by ED are unlawful and illegal.

Earlier on Monday, the Supreme Court agreed to list Manish Sisodia's bail plea in the same case. Sisodia has been in jail for almost an year.