The Delhi Police's Special Cell apprehended a high-profile Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist, identified as Javaid Ahmad Matoo, in the national capital on Thursday. The 32-year-old extremist, wanted in connection with 11 terror attack cases in Jammu and Kashmir, was arrested from the Nizamuddin area, news agency PTI reported. Special Commissioner of Police (SCP) HGS Dhaliwal, addressing a press conference, hailed the arrest as a major accomplishment. "It is a major breakthrough," stated SCP Dhaliwal, as quoted by PTI. Matoo, described as a highly indoctrinated terrorist, carried a reward of Rs 10 lakh for his capture.

Matoo was apprehended while driving a stolen car, with police sources telling PTI that he was armed with a loaded pistol and an additional magazine. Matoo, a resident of Sopore in Jammu and Kashmir, was classified as an A++ category terrorist, according to SCP Dhaliwal.

Matoo's criminal history spans back to 2010, and he is implicated in a series of attacks, including five grenade assaults and the killing of at least five police personnel in separate incidents in Jammu and Kashmir. Dhaliwal stated that Matoo is affiliated with both Hizbul Mujahideen and Al Badr terrorist outfits, PTI's report stated.

"Matoo is named in 11 known terror attack cases, including five grenade attacks and killing of at least five police personnel in sperate incidents, in Jammu and Kashmir," the senior cop said, as per PTI.

The Special Commissioner detailed Matoo's involvement in leading a terrorist module in Jammu and Kashmir, consisting of six members. He emphasised that Matoo, now among the last surviving terrorists in the region, managed to evade security agencies by frequently changing his identity.

While Matoo had recently come to Delhi, Dhaliwal clarified that "As of now, his involvement has not surfaced in any case in the national capital".

The report mentioned an anonymous officer as informing that Abdul Mazid Zargar, one of Matoo's associates, currently resides in Pakistan and is engaged in cross-border smuggling. Providing further insights into Matoo's network, the officer mentioned other associates, such as Abdul Qayum Nazar, who was killed in a Jammu and Kashmir encounter, and Tariq Ahmed Lone, a Pakistan-trained terrorist who died after jumping from a bridge surrounded by security forces.

The officer also disclosed that Imtiyaz Kundu, another associate, fled to Pakistan in 2016, while Mehraj Halwai and Pakistan-trained terrorist Wasim Guru were killed in encounters with security forces in Jammu and Kashmir.

Highlighting Matoo's violent past, Dhaliwal recounted incidents from 2010, including the killing of Head Constable Mohammad Yusuf and an attack on the residence of the Sopore superintendent of police. Matoo, along with four others, targeted CRPF jawans, snatched their service weapons, and attacked a police patrol team, PTI reported.

In response to questions about Matoo's family, SCP Dhaliwal refrained from divulging details at this point. 

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