Delhi Police on Sunday deployed its personnel at Haryana border areas as a precautionary measure after farmers across several states blocked most of the national and state highways in a protest against the three contentious farm-sector bills tabled by the government in Parliament.

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As reported by news agency PTI, Deputy Commissioner of Police (East) Jasmeet Singh said that there are no protesters at the border as of now yet border pickets have been deployed on Delhi-Uttar Pradesh border as a cautionary measure. Two companies of forces have been deployed near Ashok Nagar -- Ghazipur side while on the Delhi-Haryana border, the force is on stand-by.

Earlier in the day, agitated farmers under the Bhartiya Kisan Union held a fresh round of protests across Haryana by burning the copies of the farm bills. The protesters blocked several roads and highways in the state even as Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar appealed for deferring the stir and invited them for talks.

Meanwhile the Punjab Youth Congress has also stepped up in arms to oppose the farm bills. The Punjab farmers and their unions took out a 'tractor rally' from Punjab to Delhi which led to a massive traffic jam.

Simultaneously, a 'rail roko' agitation call has already been made by the Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee from September 24 to 26.

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The aggressive demonstrations by farmers broke to oppose three contentious farm-sector bills - Farmers' Produce Trade And Commerce (Promotion And Facilitation) Bill; The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill; and Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill.