The Delhi High Court website will soon get a new page on its website that will share stories of unexpected moments of humour in courtrooms. The high court has created a special email address where lawyers and litigants can send contributions about funny and humorous exchanges in the courtroom they might have experienced during the hearing.

The high court portal states that courtrooms are a fertile source of humour. Amidst the regular humdrum of daily courtroom proceedings, humour props up unexpectedly, sometimes on account of the wit of an Advocate or a Judge and sometimes on account of an innocent remark of a litigant or a witness.

"Court rooms are a fertile source of humour. Amidst the regular humdrum of daily court room proceedings, humour props up unexpectedly, sometimes on account of the wit of an Advocate or a Judge and sometimes on account of an innocent remark of a litigant or a witness," the portal reads.

It further adds that 'Humour in Court' is an endeavour of the Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence Committee of the High Court of Delhi to capture such moments and preserve them for posterity.

It further states that any litigant or advocate who wants to get the post published can send it to

The posts shared on the email id will only be published after they are screened by a designated committee of the Delhi High Court.

The section on the website is yet to be made fully functional, however it features four to five instances as of now. One of them is shared Justice Rajiv Shakdher on September 6. Following is the post:

"Senior Counsel 'X' (while addressing the Bench): 'If your lordships will now be kind enough to turn to page 6 of the paper book and come to the star on the left column.' Senior Judge on the Bench (known for having a proclivity for correct usage of English language): Mr. X the only stars I see are the stars visible in the sky post 7 pm. What you are referring to is an 'Asterisk'.