In a social media message, Kejriwal had expressed complete support with the extension of lockdown. The tweet comes after the PM’s has held a video conferencing with chief ministers on Saturday.
In that meeting, Kejriwal has suggested PM to extend the lockdown till April 30 across the country.
Kejriwal in his tweet said, “PM has taken the correct decision to extend lockdown. Today, India’s position is better than in many developed countries because we started lockdown early. If it is stopped now, all gains would be lost. To consolidate, it is important to extend it.”
The death toll due to the novel coronavirus rose to 239 and the number of cases to 7,477 in the country on Saturday, according to the Union Health Ministry.
The number of containment zones in the national capital rose to 30 on Friday with the government sealing six new areas. All these areas have been earmarked as containment and sealed.
The new areas include -- Nabi Karim, E pocket GTB enclave, Street no 18 to 22 of Zakir Nagar and nearby area of Abu Bakar Masjid, Zakir Nagar.