On the second day of his 2-day visit to Kashmir and Ladakh, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday visited a key forward post along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Keran sector of Jammu and Kashmir.

Singh, who was accompanied by Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and Army Chief General MM Naravane, visited the North Hill post and was briefed about the ground situation along the LoC adjoining Pakistan by senior Army officials.

"Visited a forward post near LoC in Kupwara District of Jammu-Kashmir today and interacted with the soldiers deployed there," Singh tweeted along with photographs of his interaction with the soldiers.

"We are extremely proud of these brave and courageous soldiers who are defending our country in every situation," the defence minister said.

Earlier in the day, Singh made a visit the holy cave of Amarnath and offered prayers. He spent little short of an hour at the temple complex.

The Defence Minister who arrived in Leh on Friday (July 17) morning as part of his 2-day trip to Ladakh and Kashmir, visited forward areas in the Ladakh sector to review the ground situation along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Ladakh sector.

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The Defence Minister interacted with the troops of the Indian Army and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) at the Lukung post, adjacent to the Pangong Tso Lake with an aim to boost their morale.

Amid the ongoing disengagement talks to de-escalate the stand-off between the armies of the two Asian neighbours along the LAC, the Defence Minister sent out a strong message to China from Ladakh and said not one inch of India's land can be taken by any power in the world. He further added that the talks are on to resolve the dispute, however, there's no guarantee to what extent it can be resolved.