Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa is set to undergo spinal surgery on December 11, according to a detailed medical report submitted to Karnataka High Court. The report, prepared by Dr Naveen, a neurosurgeon at BGS Hospital, highlighted the alleged critical nature of the actor's spinal condition. The reported also stated that the condition was the reason for the actor's severe back pain.
The surgery which is likely be performed under general anesthesia is expected to address the actor's debilitating pain, as per a report on India Today. According to Dr Naveen, the risks and potential outcomes of the procedure were thoroughly explained to Darshan and his wife.
Medical reports dated December 2 and December 5 were shared with the actor's family ensuring transparency in the treatment plan. The actor is currently undergoing physiotherapy and steroid injections as part of his pre-surgical preparation with his body being stabilised to withstand the anesthesia.
In light of the upcoming surgery, the Karnataka High Court on Monday extended Darshan's interim bail in the ongoing fan murder case. The bail, initially set to expire on December 11, has been extended until the next hearing, as per a report on IANS.
Darshan's counsel, C.V. Nagesh, argued for the extension on medical grounds, citing the actor's ongoing treatment and the planned surgery. "It's been four weeks since Darshan's check-up, and we cannot force an operation immediately. There is no pressure for the procedure just because time is passing."
The court acknowledged the plea, noting the importance of the actor's health and the seriousness of his medical condition. Darshan had previously reported blood pressure fluctuations, as noted in medical records from November 11 to 21, further complicating his condition.
Earlier, Dashan was released from jail on October 30. He spent 131 days in jail before his release on bail.
However, the actor, a celebrated figure in Kannada cinema, continues to receive support from fans.