Mumbai: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a warning on Friday about Cyclone Tauktae. The depression formed over Lakshadweep in the Arabian Sea would turn into a cyclonic storm in the next 24 hours and reach near the Gujarat coast on the morning of May 18, officials said on Friday.

To prepare for the situation, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray issued an order after meeting the officials.

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The IMD has warned of heavy rainfall for parts of Maharashtra, Kerala, and Gujarat in view of the rapid intensification of Cyclone Tauktae, which formed over the Arabian Sea and Lakshadweep.

Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has ordered officers to be alert and well equipped, especially near the coastal areas, in view of the severe cyclone. Maharashtra CMO informed about the preparations through its official Twitter handle.

CM Uddhav Thackeray has instructed the district administration, divisional commissioners, and district collectors to be vigilant and ready for the cyclone especially in the coastal areas of Palghar, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg.

Coronavirus Vaccination Drive Suspended

 The Mumbai civic body on Friday announced its decision to suspend its Covid-19 vaccination drive for the next two days in view of the warning about cyclone Tauktae.

There would be no inoculation on May 15 and 16, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation tweeted.

Additional Municipal Commissioner Suresh Kakani told news agency PTI that this step was taken as a precautionary measure because cyclone Tauktae is forecast to pass close to the city.

The decision was taken to avoid troubles for senior citizens and also possible crowding as the city is expected to get rain due to the cyclone, he added.

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BMC In Action 

Additionally, the Mumbai civic body has assured that it was taking various precautionary measures. Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) informed in a release that potentially dangerous tree branches are being cut, dewatering pumps are being stationed in low-lying areas, temporary shelters would be opened if required and rescue teams would be deployed on six main `Chowpatties' (beaches).

384 dangerous trees close to Covid-19 centres have been pruned, it was informed.

These preparations come in a year after Mumbai was badly hit due to cyclone Nisarga that made landfall in neighbouring Raigad district.

BMC officials informed that they are prepared to shift around 400 patients from the Intensive Care Units of Jumbo Covid-19 facilities (field hospitals) at Dahisar and BKC to civic and state-run hospitals.

"We have kept our plan ready, but the patients will be shifted only if required," Suresh Kakani, additional municipal commissioner of BMC told PTI.

The India Meteorological Department has warned that cyclone Tauktae is likely to pass close to Mumbai through the sea route. It may not hit the city directly but is likely to bring strong winds and heavy rain to the financial capital of the country.