Srinagar: National Conference President Dr. Farooq Abdullah and his son Omar Abdullah have announced that they are into self-quarantine. ALSO READ | ‘Gupkar Gang Going Global, Do Sonia & Rahul Support Such Moves’? Amit Shah Tears Into J&K Alliance

The measure was forced as both had come in contact with a person, was staying with a relative who turned out to be a positive person.

“My father & I have been in contact with a person who was in turn staying with a relative who tested COVID positive. Based on medical advice, we will be self-isolating for a week before getting a precautionary COVID test,” tweeted Omar.

Earlier, he lashed out at the central government by quoting a tweet of Union Home Minister Amit Shah who had attacked the "Gupkar Gang".

"I can understand the frustration behind this attack by the Hon’ble Home Minister. He had been briefed that the People’s Alliance was preparing to boycott elections. This would have allowed the BJP & newly formed King’s party a free run in J&K. We didn’t oblige them," Omar Abdullah wrote.

"Only in J&K can leaders be detained & called anti-national for participating in elections & supporting the democratic process. The truth is all those who oppose the ideology of the BJP are labelled “corrupt & anti-national," he wrote attacking the union government.

"We are not a “gang” Amit Shah ji, we are a legitimate political alliance having fought & continuing to fight elections, much to your disappointment," he concluded while writing in defense.