New Delhi: New coronavirus cases have been reported in BSF, taking the toll of positive cases to 67 and according to a PTI report, most of these cases have come from Delhi and Tripura. The report also says that maximum cases have come from the Delhi battalion mostly of troops that were deployed near the Jamia area for law and order duties and from Tripura the troops were from the frontier.

13 fresh cases have been reported in Tripura, out of which 10 are personnel and 3 are family members of an infected trooper, making the cases from Tripura to a total of 24.

41 cases in the national capital out of which 32 are those who were deployed to Jamia and Chandi Mahal for law and order duties. 1 case was reported from Kolkata of a driver who escorted the inter-ministerial team of the Union government touring West Bengal.

8 cases are from a base hospital in R K Puram and one personnel from the forces’ headquarters at Lodhi Road. The two floors of the BSF office were sealed after the cases came to light on Monday.

According to an ANI report, the Indian Navy had 38 cases out of which 12 had recovered and were discharged while 26 are undergoing treatment. There was an outbreak late last month in the Naval base INS Angre, although there have been no cases from the warships or submarines. A top Navy official said that they take strict measures like before the sortie, the officers and sailors are watched for 14 days.

According to a new report, 45 personnel of Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), at least 135 troopers from the Central Reserve Police Force’s (CRPF) 31st battalion, have been found positive for the disease.