Covid In India: India reports 41,506 new cases in the last 24 hours. The active caseload is currently at 4,54,118. Total Recoveries across the country so far are 2,99,75,064.

India recorded 895 deaths today, as per Union Health Ministry.

Total active cases: 4,54,118

Total discharges: 2,99,75,064

Death toll: 4,08,040

Total Vaccination : 37,60,32,586

41,526 patients have recovered during the last 24 hours. Recovery Rate has increased to 97.20%. Weekly Positivity Rate remains below 5%, currently at 2.32%. Daily positivity rate at 2.25%, less than 3% for 20 consecutive days

Meanwhile, Delhi recorded 76 fresh COVID-19 cases and one death due to the disease on Saturday, while the positivity rate slipped to 0.09 per cent, according to data shared by the health department. The COVID-19 positivity rate had dropped to 0.11 per cent on Friday from 0.12 per cent the day before when 93 cases and three deaths were recorded in the city. 

West Bengal's COVID-19 tally rose to 15,11,205 on Saturday as 997 more people tested positive for the infection, while 17 fresh fatalities pushed the death toll to 17,903, a bulletin issued by the health department said.

At least 1,336 more people were cured of the disease in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of recoveries in the state to 14,77,998, it said.

The recovery rate among coronavirus patients in West Bengal now stands at 97.80 per cent.

The state now has 15,304 active cases.

Amid fears of a third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the Centre on Saturday reviewed the steps taken to check the spread of Covid-19 at hill stations and tourist locations.

The review meeting assumes significance as pictures from tourist destinations in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand have come to the fore over the last few days wherein the people could be seen violating the Covid-19 norms.

Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla sounded a note of caution in view of media reports showing blatant disregard of Covid-appropriate behaviour in hill stations and other tourist locations.