Indore: Months after Model-turned godman Bhaiyyuji Maharaj shot himself dead, the police have arrested a woman and two aides of the self-styled godman on Friday for allegedly abetting his suicide last year.

Palak (25), Vinayak and Sharad Deshmukh were arrested and charged with abetment of suicide, Deputy Inspector General of Police HC Mishra said.

The woman, identified only as Palak, was allegedly blackmailing the 50-year-old spiritual guru and putting pressure on him to marry her, he said.

As per the police officer, Vinayak and Deshmukh, aides of Bhaiyyu Maharaj, had helped the woman in her acts.

Mishra said Bhaiyyu Maharaj's wife Ayushi and relatives had recently recorded statements with the police against the accused.

The model-turned-godman had shot himself dead on June 12 at his residence here.