New Delhi: The Congress will hold a two-day conclave across the country on June 1 and 2 to communicate the decisions of the ‘Udaipur Declaration’ adopted after the recently concluded three-day brainstorming session, the party said on Wednesday. According to a report by news agency PTI, AICC general secretary and chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala said that similar sessions will also be conducted at district level on June 11 to pass on the party’s message to the grassroot-level workers.  

“On June 1 and 2, there will be state-level shivirs in all the states, in which the highlights, points and the way ahead taken from the Udaipur Declaration will be communicated to the leaders and grassroot-level workers. The shivirs will be attended by our MPs, MLAs, MP and MLA candidates, District Congress Committee presidents, Pradesh Congress Committee office-bearers and prominent leaders of the party,” PTI quoted Surjewala as saying.

He added, “As a follow-up exercise, a similar one-day shivir will be held on June 11 at the district Congress committees. The idea is to carry forward up to the grassroots the various highlights and points on which a way forward has been decided for the party at the Udaipur Nav Sankalp Chintan Shivir.”

The decision to hold the conclave was taken at a meeting of the AICC general secretaries and the in-charges of various states at the party headquarters in New Delhi on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The meeting was a follow-up on the ‘Nav Sankalp Chintan Shivir’ and the ‘Udaipur Declaration’, under the guidance of the general secretary, all the in-charges and general secretaries of the grand old party.

The party has also decided to undertake a three-day ‘Azadi Gaurav Yatra’ between August 9 and August 15 by all the district units.

"On August 15, the Pradesh Congress committees will organise a major function to commemorate the sacrifices and lessons of the freedom movement," Surjewala said.

He also added that the Youth Congress and the National Students' Union of India (NSUI) will be undertaking a ‘Rozgar Do Yatra’.

It is to be noted that the meeting of the office-bearers comes close on the heels of Chintan Shivir, where the Congress leaders held discussions on restructuring the party, finding ways to combat the politics of polarisation, and also gear up for the upcoming elections.