New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party on Friday slammed the opposition parties Congress and TMC for politicizing the “dastardly” terror attack in Pulwama and rued that at a time when the nation needs to stand united, Congress leaders are echoing the lines of Pakistan.

BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra said in a media briefing that it was unfortunate of Congress leader Manish Tewari to downplay the government’s decision of stopping water flow of three eastern rivers, Beas, Sutlej and Ravi, which used to go the neighbouring country.

“Yesterday we took a major decision of stopping water flow of three major rivers to Pakistan, but it is sad that Manish Tewari who is the official spokesperson for the Congress party, had to speak out against it,” Patra said.

After Nitin Gadkari’s announcement of restricting water flow, Tewari had yesterday said: “Nitin Gadkari says that we will stop the flow of all eastern rivers to Pakistan. Somebody needs to ask them, do dams get built in a day? The two projects he alludes to were cleared in 1999 and 2006.”

Patra also slammed veteran politician Shahshi Tharoor for his tweet where he said forfeiting the World Cup match against Pakistan this year would not just cost two points, it would be worse than surrender.

“What is the point of tweeting such things,” Patra said in the conference. “Today Pakistani TV channels are also echoing that Modi needs to be defeated, Congress has to come to power.”

“In the International Court of Justice where the Kulbhushan Jadhav case is going on, Pakistani counsels are producing the pieces written by people in India as evidence against Jadhav,” he said.

"A report was presented in Pakistan senate which is equivalent to our Parliamentary report, called Committee Report of the Whole. The report lays down strategies on how to deal with India. It states that India’s own fault lies in their own alienated population of Muslims, Christians, Dalits, Sikhs and Maoists", he said.

At such a sensitive time when the enemy country is looking for opportunities to break the integrity of the country, Congress gives divisive statements about the castes of the martyred men. Army belongs to the nation, it is much above the petty differences of castes and communities, said Patra.

Patra said it is very unfortunate that the language of our opposition parties is similar to that of the enemy nation.

"The Pakistan Army has said in its press conference that such incidents happen in India at the time of elections, with an attempt to downplay the terror attacks. Similar statements can be heard from leaders of opposition parties," he said.

Hitting out at West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee, Patra said: “West Bengal CM has questioned the timing of the attack. Post the attack, she came up with statements like how did the attack take place right after the parliamentary session got over, who encouraged Pakistan to attack India; such statements are highly unfortunate".