Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party national convener Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said that his party was committed to the I.N.D.I.A bloc, but that wouldn't stop its government in Punjab from acting against the drug cartel. Referring to the arrest of I.N.D.I.A constituent Congress's leader Sukhpal Singh Khaira, Kejriwal said: "The Bhagwant Mann government in Punjab is committed to ending the drug menace. In the fight against it, nobody will be spared; however big or small they might be."

Kejriwal said the AAP is committed to the I.N.D.I.A bloc. AAP will not part ways with the alliance. "Yesterday, I heard that the Punjab Police arrested a particular leader [Sukhpal Singh Khaira] in connection with a drugs case. I don't have the details. You will have to speak to the Punjab Police for that."

The Jalalabad court in Fazlika on Thursday remanded Punjab Congress legislator Sukhpal Singh Khaira to police custody until September 30. A team of officials from the Punjab Police conducted a thorough search of Khaira's residence on Thursday in a case registered under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act in Jalalabad back in 2015. The legislator, who represents the Bholath seat in the Punjab assembly, was apprehended in a dramatic fashion at his residence in Chandigarh in the morning. He was then presented before the chief judicial magistrate in Jalalabad in the afternoon.

Khaira's Response

In a statement to the media, Khaira took aim at Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, accusing him and other leaders of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) of engaging in 'politics of revenge' rather than the promised 'politics of change.' Expressing concern over his safety, Khaira stated, “Bhagwant Mann has become thirsty for blood. I won’t be surprised if he gets me eliminated. I sense something very dangerous, and he will be solely responsible.”

Khaira further alleged that the AAP had detained him with the intention of undermining the Congress's standing in Punjab.

Congress Wants Kidnapping Case Against Punjab Cops

The Congress party alleged that the Punjab Police made an unauthorised entry into Chandigarh to apprehend MLA Khaira. Partap Singh Bajwa, the Leader of Opposition in the Punjab Assembly, met Governor Banwarilal Purohit to discuss Khaira's arrest and claimed that Punjab Police personnel forcibly entered Khaira's Chandigarh residence for the arrest.

Unauthorised Entry Allegations

According to Bajwa, "Punjab Police cannot enter Chandigarh as it is a Union Territory. I am sure they have not taken permission from the Chandigarh Police. They forcibly entered his house. We've requested the Governor that if it is proved that the Punjab police officials entered without informing the Chandigarh Police, a kidnapping case should be registered against them."

Political Implications and Response

Bajwa alleged a political motive behind the actions, stating, "They want to damage the image of the Congress as it is the primary opponent of AAP in Punjab. We will meet Khaira and will ensure that he gets bail at the earliest." The Punjab Congress is organising a dharna in Bathinda on Friday.