Shimla:  The cold wave conditions have intensified in the region and are causing a number of problems for the residents of the area, especially in the capital city, Shimla. After the recent snowfall, the morning and evening hours are particularly tough for the locals.

"The cold has intensified after the recent snowfall that we received. We are facing lot of problems. The roads have become slippery; it is difficult to even walk on them," a local fruit vendor," Ikram told ANI. "The entire region has frozen, including water. We are facing water scarcity. We have to heat it up water to use it. Normal life has been badly affected," Pawan Kumar, a local said.

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According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), Shimla is likely to receive rain or snow accompanied by partly cloudy sky in the next week. Isolated pockets over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi, West Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, northern parts of Madhya Pradesh and Bihar are likely to receive severe cold day today," the forecast agency in its All India Weather Warning Bulletin said.