LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanth on Monday met the aggrieved family of Apple employee who was shot dead by a police constable in Lucknow last weekend. After the meeting, Vivek Tiwari’s wife Kalpana said, “He heard what I had to say & assured help. I had earlier also said that I have faith in our state government and today that faith has strengthened.”

The government announced a compensation of Rs 25 lakh, Rs 5 lakh fixed deposit for daughters, Rs 5 lakh for Vivek's mother and a government job for the wife. After his meeting, the chief minister also called DGP OP Singh to review the updates the in the case. 

Over a phone call on Sunday, CM Yogi had spoken to the family of the victim and assured all kinds of help needed by the family. Earlier, in her letter, Kalpana Tiwari demanded a CBI investigation in the case, a government job in the police department and one crore as compensation.

The post-mortem report revealed that Vivek Tiwari was shot at a point-blank range on the left side of the face. In the copy of the post-mortem report received by ABP News, it says that the bullet in Vivek's body goes from top to bottom which means that the constable had fired at him from a higher position.

A fresh FIR was also registered in the case by the wife of the Apple sales manager at Gomti Nagar police station on Sunday. The new FIR includes the name of two accused police constables.

The incident took place near Gomti Nagar extension at around 1.30 a.m. when Tiwari was heading home after the launch of iPhone X plus along with his colleague. The accused Prashant Chaudhary who was admitted in a hospital said he fired at Tiwari in self-defence as the latter was about to run over him from his vehicle for the third time when asked to stop.