New Delhi: Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju announced the appointment of four judges in different high courts of India on Sunday. He informed that Chief Justices were appointed to a total of four high courts in the country. The minister tweeted a list of names of the appointees that include Justice Sonia Giridhar Gokani, Justice Sandeep Mehta, Justice N Kotiswar Singh, and Justice Jaswant Singh.

Kiren Rijiju extended his best wishes to all of them in his tweet writing, “As per the relevant provisions under the Constitution of India, the following Judges are appointed as Chief Justices of different High Courts. I extend best wishes to all of them !”

Justice Sonia Giridhar Gokani of the Gujarat High Court was appointed as the Chief Justice of the court. Following the elevation of Gujarat High Court’s Chief Justice Aravind Kumar to the Supreme Court, Justice Gokani was appointed as the acting Chief Justice of the high court on Friday.

Justice Sandeep Mehta of the Rajasthan High Court has been appointed as the chief justice of the Gauhati High Court and Odisha High Court Justice Jaswant Singh's post has been elevated as the new Chief Justice of the Tripura High Court. Meanwhile, Justice N Kotiswar Singh of the Guahati High Court has been appointed as the new Chief Justice of the High Court of J-K and Ladakh.

Earlier this month, five new judges were appointed to the Supreme Court of India. Justice Pankaj Mithal, Justice Sanjay Karol, Justice P V Sanjay Kumar, Justice Ahsanuddin Amanullah, and Justice Manoj Misra are the five Supreme Court judges who took oath on February 6.

Pankaj Mithal, P V Sanjay Kumar, and Manoj Misra were the chief justices of the high courts of Rajasthan, Manipur, and Allahabad respectively, while Sanjay Karol and Ahsanuddin Amanullah were both chief justice of Patna HC.

More On It: SC Gets 5 New Judges Through Collegium. CJI Chandrachud Administers Oath Of Office