New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday addressed a gathering at Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium here on the occasion of the 200th birth anniversary of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati. The Prime Minister said that path shown by Swami Dayanand Saraswati instills hope in crores of people at a time when the 21st century is unstable due to numerous conflicts.
Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the year-long celebrations commemorating the 200th birth anniversary of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati.
Here Are Top Quotes From PM Modi's Address
- This is a historical moment, an opportunity to write the history for the future.
- Maharishi Dayanand ji believed we should be the ones moving the world towards development.
- It is my good fortune that I was born on the land where Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati was born.
- Maharishi Dayanand ji came forward and revived the understanding of Vedas in society. Today, the country with full pride is calling for 'pride in our heritage'.
- Maharishi Dayanand ji also emerged as a logical and effective voice against the stereotypes that had flourished in society regarding women. He began the movement for women's education.
- Today girls can freely pursue education, daughters are being deployed in Siachen, and they are flying Rafale fighter jets.
- The service of the poor, backward and downtrodden is the first 'Yajna' for the country today.
- The country is now confident that it will bring modernity and also strengthen its heritage.
- Swami Dayanand Saraswati kindled patriotism in the hearts of many freedom fighters. Lakhs of them were inspired by Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati.
- Maharshi Ji started a strong campaign against social ills like discrimination and untouchability. Evils that were falsely attributed to religion, Swami Ji removed them with the light of religion itself.
- Swami Dayanand Saraswati not only made one path but established the institutional foundation for his thoughts. He instiutionalised his belief and created several institutes which are working for the welfare of society.
- In the Amrit Kaal, the 200th birth anniversary of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati has come with a sacred inspiration.
- Maharishi ji was a student of Vedas and a saint of Gyan Marg. India is leading the world in the quest for sustainable development.
- The ideals and values for which he spent his life and gave us the elixir of life after drinking poison. May this give continuous inspiration and strength for the welfare of Mother India Bharti and crores of countrymen in the coming times.
- Arya Samaj can play a big role by promoting these modern ideals with the foundation of ancient wisdom
- Arya Samaj has the legacy of teachings of Swami Ji and the country expects a lot from every ‘Arya Veer’