NEW DELHI: Waiting for exam results especially for big tests like Class 12th and 10th could sometimes be a stressful experience. Though, the declaration dates have not been finalised yet but students are eagerly waiting evaluation of their performance.

It can really upset you if your performance don't immediately get you into the course you are looking for, or you feel like you haven't done well enough to live up to expectations. You might start worrying about the future and whether you’ll make the right choices for the year ahead or not.

If your results don't go your way. We suggest you not to panic. We repeat, do not panic at all.

Remember, there are always better options open to you. Sometimes, the best opportunities come out of life’s unexpected twists.

If you feel you could have done much better, there are many ways to improve your performance. Remember, your results do not define who you are or how valuable you are as a person. They are a marker of one day’s performance in your life. Stay calm. Keep in mind that while your exam results are important, you will always have additional options.

Your exam results are just marks given to one thing you wrote down. They’re not a number that reflects your worth, and they won’t stop you doing what you want in the long-term and you can still achieve heights if you concentrate more upon your future goals.

There is no end to the world of opportunities. There are many extremely successful people out there who didn’t get the marks they were hoping for either.

There are lots of paths to success so use your disappointment as motivation and commitment to find yours.

Be around people who love you, support you and guide you. Speak to them. This will motivate you to do better. Career options are plentiful in today's world. Cheer yourself up! Stay Positive.

We wish you all the best for upcoming CBSE 10th results! You can always leave your response in the comment box.

Remember, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”