New Delhi: Just a day after he was released from Tihar Jail on Thursday evening, Bhim Army chief Chandrashekhar Azad on Friday once again raised his voice against the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the proposed National Register of Citizens (NRC). Hours before leaving the national capital on the directions of a court, Azad said that it would be shameful if he does not protest against Prime Minister Narendra Modi's remark of identifying people by their clothes.

"I would be shameful if I don't call him (PM) out for saying that those indulging in violence can be identified by the kind of clothes that they wear," Azad said while addressing a press conference earlier in the day.

"The court asked me to respect the Prime Minister, I want to ask him to respect the Constitution of India. I am ready to give my blood...let Modiji also give his blood and let's find out who loves the country more," he said.

Azad, who was arrested in connection with the violence during an anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protest in Old Delhi's Daryaganj, was released from Tihar Jail on Thursday night.

The Dalit group leader on Friday visited the Bhagwan Valmiki Mandir in Gole Market, Gurdwara Bangla Sahib and Jama Masjid and addressed members of the Bhim Army before the 24-hour court-imposed deadline to leave the city ended.

ALSO WATCH | Bhim Army's Chandrashekhar Spotted At Jama Masjid Protest Against CAA

"My priority is to make people aware about the discriminatory citizenship law, mobilize people against it. It is time to strengthen this movement, politics can happen later," he said. Sources in the Bhim Army had in December said the Dalit group could take a political plunge in the Delhi assembly elections.

"Our protest against the CAA will continue. We request the court to allow us to protest. The government is spreading misinformation on the issue, we are checking it," Azad said. Wearing a blue scarf that symbolises BR Ambedkar's iconic blue suit, Azad claimed he was arrested for reading out the Preamble to the Constitution on the stairs of Jama Masjid and said he will "read it daily".

ALSO WATCH | Bhim Army Chief Chandrashekhar Azad Reads Preamble Of Constitution At Jama Masjid

He also recited poet Rahat Indori's ghazal "Agar Khilaf Hai Hone Do", which has become a rallying call in the recent protests against the CAA and National Register of Citizens.

A Delhi court on Wednesday had granted bail to Aazad who has been accused of inciting people during an anti-CAA protest at Jama Masjid here on December 20, while restraining him from visiting Delhi for four weeks.

The court had also said that before going to Saharanpur, if Azad wants to go anywhere, including Jama Masjid in Delhi in 24 hours, police will escort him.

(With inputs from PTI)