New Delhi: Amid the raging anti-CAA protests, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday chose to start his speech with an unusual chant, "Vividhta me ekta, Bharat ke visheshta" (Unity in diversity is India's speciality). While addressing the rally at Ramlila Maidan in Delhi, PM tore into the Opposition party and accused his rivals of stoking fears among people and misleading Muslims over the amended citizenship law. He asserted that his government's schemes have never done any discrimination on the basis of religion.

Prime Minister said a lie is being spread that this government had brought the law to snatch people's rights. He said the opposition parties are attempting to fool and divide the people over the CAA, but the attempt will fail as it is based on lies, he added. He dared rivals to find anything discriminatory in his work. Unable to challenge him in elections, Modi asserted, his rivals have resorted to dividing the country through rumours. Without naming the rival parties, he said people were incited by those in high positions, who shared fake videos.

Modi urged the crowd present at the rally to stand and pay respects to the Parliamentarians for passing the CAA. "The CAA was passed in the Lok and Rajya Sabha for the benefit of the Dalits, poor and the oppressed class. The MPs chosen by you made it possible for the bill to be passed in the Parliament, I urge you to stand up and show respect to the Parliament for it. I too bow down to all the representatives along with you," he said.

Also Watch | When people gave standing ovation to RS, LS for passing CAA

Further slamming the political parties, Modi said that the CAA was passed in the same house which also gave ownership rights and respect to 40 lakh people. "Some political parties tried to spread different types of rumours after this bill was passed. They are misleading the people, I want to ask these liars whether we (BJP) asked any person's religion, faith or which party he voted to before giving ownership rights to people living in unauthorised colonies in Delhi? Did we ask for any papers to be submitted for it? Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, everyone who lives here was benefitted from the move by the Centre," he said.

"Both the bill which gave ownership rights to 40 lakh people in Delhi and the CAA were passed in the same House. They are lying when they say this (CAA) is a law to snatch the rights of the people, this will not last long," Modi asserted.

The BJP on Sunday drummed up the fact the Centre's decision to regularise 1,731 illegal colonies have helped 40 lakh people living in Delhi, just ahead of the Delhi election early next year.

At its massive rally at Ramlila ground that was attended by thousands, the primary target was Arvind Kejriwal and his AAP government. BJP Delhi chief Manoj Tiwari, Delhi MP Parvesh Verma and Union Minister Prakash Javadekar - all had one target.

Amid fluttering BJP flags, beating of drums and excited attendees, Modi was the unmistakable crowdpuller. Many of the BJP supporters were seen dancing to tunes that were dedicated to the Prime Minister.

Needless to say, BJP put its best bet forward and hopes to use Modi's charisma to win the Delhi election, as it was decimated by AAP in the last polls.

(with inputs from agencies)