New Delhi: After getting bail the previous night, Union Minister Narayan Rane on Wednesday morning received a notice sent by Nashik Police in connection with an FIR against him. The Nashik Police has asked the Union Minister to appear at the police station on 2nd September.


Union Minister Rane stirred controversy with his remarks about slapping the Maharashtra Chief Minister for what he claimed was his “ignorance of the year of India’s Independence”.

READ | Union Minister Narayan Rane Arrested Over 'Slap' Barb At Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray

On Tuesday, Maharashtra Police arrested Rane for his 'slap slur' remark against Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, as an aggressive Shiv Sena protested vociferously all over the state. Later in the day, Raigad Magistrate Court granted bail to him in one of the FIRs filed against him for allegedly making derogatory statements against CM Thackeray.

During his Jan Ashirvad Yatra in Raigad Union minister Narayan Rane said that he wants to “give a tight slap” to Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray as the latter allegedly forgot the year when Indian got independence during his August 15 address to citizens.

Rane claimed that Thackeray had to check the Independence day year with his leaders midway during the speech that day. 

ALSO READ | Clashes Break Out Between Shiv Sena & BJP In Maharashtra Over Narayan Rane's 'Tight Slap' Remark

Later, Pune Police and Nashik cyber police registered FIRs following a complaint by Yuva Sena, for using objectionable language against Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray on Monday. 

FIR was registered under IPC sections 189 (threat of injury to public servant), 504 (intentional insult to provoke breach of public peace) and 505 (statements conducive to public mischief).