New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party on Wednesday took a swipe at the Congress party after Robert Vadra’s photo appeared on the poster of ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’. Accusing the party of nepotism, BJP leader Shehzad Poonawalla said that the Bharat Jodo Yatra was not to unite India but unite Gandhi family. He also alleged that the Yatra was to give a post to Vadra. 

“Country is on Kartavya Path (path of duty) but Congress is on 'Ghulami ka Parivar Path'. It's not about Bharat Jodo (unite India) but 'Parivar ko Jodo' (unite the family). It's not 'Pad Yatra' but a yatra for a 'pad' (position),” Poonawalla said, quoted by the news agency ANI. 

The Congress party will today launch the 3,570 kilometre-long Bharat Jodo Yatra with an aim to flag economic disparities, social polarisation and political centralisation, while attempting to make gains in what it often described as battle of ideologies. 

The mega rally will be flagged off from Tamil Nadu’s Kanyakumari. At 4:30 pm Congress senior leader Rahul Gandhi will attend an event in Kanyakumari where Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot and Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel will also be present. 

Stalin will present a national flag made of khadi to Gandhi who will hand it over to Seva Dal workers who will manage the Yatra throughout.

The former Congress president Rahul Gandhi took part in a prayer meeting at Rajiv Gandhi memorial in Sriperumbudur Wednesday morning."I lost my father to the politics of hate and division. I will not lose my beloved country to it too," he said in a tweet later.

"Love will conquer hate. Hope will defeat fear. Together, we will overcome," he said.