New Delhi: West Bengal Chief Minister and TMC chief Mamata Banerjee trained her guns on the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party on Monday alleging that the central government was using the central agencies to interfere in state matters, reported news agency PTI. 

She further lashed out at the BJP-led dispensation saying that it was bulldozing the country's federal structure. 

“Saffron party rule was worse than that of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin or Benito Mussolini,” Banerjee said while addressing a press meet in Kolkata. 

She said that central agencies "should be given autonomy" to protect democracy.

"The BJP-led central government is using the central agencies to interfere in the state's affairs. It is bulldozing the federal structure of the country. There is Tughlaqi rule in force," she said.

"The agencies must be granted autonomy and allowed to work impartially without any political interference," the CM added.

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The Trinamool Congress chief had earlier also cornered the BJP-led central government alleging that the current dispensation has unleashed a “Tughlaqi Raj” in the country and “misusing federal agencies to settle political scores.” 

Referring to irregularities in SSC appointments, she claimed that there were many discrepancies in government recruitment during the erstwhile Left Front regime in the state, details of which she said she will “reveal soon”.  

“The BJP is running a ‘Tughlaqi’ regime (referring to 14th-century Delhi sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq who was known to be wilfull) in the country and is trying to divide the nation. It is controlling central agencies and using those to settle political scores,” she had said at a public meeting in Jhargram.

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She kept up with her attack on BJP saying that the party has destroyed all institutions in the country. 

“The BJP has systematically planted its people in all institutions and destroyed them. They have done the same with ED and CBI. They could not unseat me and are now jealous of me,” she said.