Former Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott will be meeting with Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) National President JP Nadda at the BJP headquarters in Delhi on Saturday at 4:00 pm. Nadda will also meet with a group of parliamentarians, leaders, and foreign policy experts from different countries under the 'Know BJP' campaign today, reported news agency ANI.  

Vijay Chauthaiwala, BJP in-charge of the Foreign Affairs Dept while talking to ANI, said that this campaign aims to give an authentic perspective of the party to the overseas audience. 

Nadda will also talk in detail about the history, challenges, achievements, philosophy, and nation-building contributions made by the BJP government and the party since its inception. He launched this initiative to make people more familiar with BJP on the party's Foundation Day in April last year.

Through this campaign, the party seeks to improve bilateral ties with several nations while also educating the public about its principles and methods of operation.

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On January 27, JP Nadda met with the students of Delhi University as part of the campaign at the party headquarters. He gave them an overview of the party's philosophy, objectives, and organisational culture. He said that the BJP governments at the Centre and in the states are committed to the empowerment and welfare of all sections of society, particularly villagers, farmers, Dalits, Tribes, backward, oppressed classes, youth, and women.

He said the Modi government has made significant progress in both tenures. This progress has been made in service to all communities, good governance, welfare, and empowerment of the poorest of the poor, he said. During the session, he also explained to the students how the BJP operates and how the party serves as a vital link between the national government and the general populace.