New Delhi: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra's 35 Lodhi Estate bungalow in the heart of the National Capital has now been allotted to Bharatiya Janata Party Media Cell in-charge and Rajya Sabha member Anil Baluni. ALSO READ | Priyanka Gandhi Calls UP Congress Leaders For Meeting On Law And Order Post Deadly Kanpur Encounter

According to a PTI report, an official of the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry on Sunday said that Priyanka Gandhi's bungalow has been allotted to Anil Baluni following his request on health grounds post his cancer treatment some time ago. Though he has recovered, he has been advised to follow a number of precautions. He will get possession of the bungalow once the Congress leader vacates it, sources said.

Earlier this week on July 1, the central government directed Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra to vacate her government bungalow in Delhi by August 1. In an official letter issues to the Congress leader, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs stated that her allotment stands cancelled.

The notice issued to Vadra read: "Consequent upon withdrawal of SPG protection and grant of Z+ security cover by Ministry of Home Affairs, which does not have provision for allotment/retention of government accommodation on security ground to you, the allotment of Type 6B house number 35, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi is hereby cancelled with effect from 01/07/2020."

Going by the order, Priyanka has been advised to vacate the house on or before 1st August. Any delay beyond this will attract damage charges or penal rent as per rules.

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The decision was taken by the Cabinet Committee on Accommodation after the Central government withdrew SPG security from Priyanka. She was allotted the residence at Lodhi Estate in the heart of the national capital on the recommendation of the SPG in 1997.

Meanwhile, Lucknow's Kaul house in under renovation and being cleaned as there are speculations that Priyanka Gandhi Vadra might shift permanently to Lucknow as she wants to stay in Uttar Pradesh. She stayed in this bunglow during elections recently.