New Delhi: Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia on Saturday said the BJP is 'against' free electricity, free water, free travel for women and said the saffron party can't insult people of Delhi who are beneficiaries of these pro-people policies, by calling them "freeloaders". The Aam Aamdi Party leader also urged people to listen to the BJP leaders carefully.
"Elections are coming, listen to the statements of these leaders. They are calling you freeloaders. Voting for them means, higher price for education, electricity and bus rides. People should be very careful."
During an interaction with media, Sisodia said that it is duty of every government to serve people.
"We are here to serve the citizens of Delhi. By calling the public freeloader, BJP is insulting the parents who send their children to a government school. We won't tolerate this humiliation of our people," said Sisodia, who is the Education Minister.
Sisodia said the remarks from a BJP leader was an "insult to people because taking free services from the government does not mean people are freeloaders".
"The BJP leaders have said that they are against the free electricity, water and travel for women in Delhi. By saying that people of Delhi are freeloader, they have insulted the public.
"The people of Delhi are not for sale here but are the owners of the city. BJP President Amit Shah should apologise to the people of Delhi," Sisodia told media.
He said the governments are here to serve the people.
"People are paying taxes and the money from that are used for development. Getting free service from the government does not mean people are on sale. The BJP have been against our free schemes," Sisodia said.
He accused that the BJP wants to give benefits only to the rich. "People are paying taxes and AAP is giving them free services. This is their right."
Sisodia, who is also the Finance Minister, said people anyway don't have money as the economy is going down. "Why do you want to put more pressure on them?"
He said the BJP is against free electricity, free water and free travel for women. "This can be their agenda as a party but they cannot insult the people of Delhi who are the beneficiaries of this pro-people policies."
This comes after a verbal spat between AAP and BJP's Delhi unit chief Manoj Tiwari who has promised five times more benefit to the voters than AAP has given in the past five years.
Sisodia asked Tiwari to show the report card for those states ruled by the saffron party, after his "five-time" promise came.
(With agency inputs)
BJP Is Anti-Free Schemes, Insults Delhi Voters As 'Freeloader': Sisodia
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
11 Jan 2020 04:13 PM (IST)
Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia said the remarks from a BJP leader was an "insult to people because taking free services from the government does not mean people are freeloaders"
BJP Is Anti-Free Schemes, Insults Delhi Voters As 'Freeloader': Sisodia/ Photo: PTI
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