The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Sunday levelled serious accusations against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, alleging that he has been encouraging violence against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This comes in the wake of an assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump. The BJP's IT department head, Amit Malviya, criticised Gandhi's condemnation of the attack on Trump, calling his words insincere.

Malviya took to X (formerly Twitter) to express his disapproval, stating, "Third Time Fail Rahul Gandhi has often encouraged and justified violence against Prime Minister Modi, who he has lost elections to several times now. How can India ever forget how Punjab Police, then under the Congress, deliberately compromised PM's security, when his convoy was left stranded on a flyover."

Malviya further posted some of Gandhi's past comments, highlighting the Congress leader's rhetoric against Modi, including referring to him as a dictator. He drew parallels between Gandhi's statements and the criticism faced by Trump from Democrat leader and US President Joe Biden. Following the assassination attempt, many of Trump's supporters have alleged that his demonisation by rivals has created an atmosphere of hate against him.

Malviya remarked, "Trump's critics have made the argument that democracy is in danger from him, and likened this to India's opposition's 'Constitution is in danger' pitch against Modi. Indian democracy survived the global Left's assault and Modi is back for a third term."

He further commented on the divisive tactics employed, stating, "Caste, like race in America, was weaponised to drive a wedge in Indian society. Demonising opponents and calling them dictators is also not a coincidence. In fact, the global money bag, with dangerous ideas, used the term for the first time to describe democratically elected powerful world leaders, who he couldn't control."

Malviya also alleged that Gandhi sought foreign intervention in India's elections but failed to deliver. The Congress party's response to these claims is awaited.

Earlier in the day, Congress MP and Lok Sabha LoP Rahul Gandhi condemned the attack on former US president Trump.

"I am deeply concerned by the assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump. Such acts must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. Wishing him a swift and complete recovery," he posted on X.