New Delhi: A scuffle broke out between Congress MP and former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Digvijaya Singh and police personnel in Bhopal on Friday when the party was protesting over the manner in which some votes were cast in the panchayat polls. A video showing Digvijaya Singh holding the collar of a policeman went viral on social media. Earlier, Singh engaged in a scuffle with BJP MLA Vishvas Sarang outside the District Panchayat office after the Congress alleged that “nine votes were cast with fake medical certificates”, adding that police and administration were working under the government during the local body elections.

According to Digvijaya Singh, the BJP had been bringing government cars full of people to cast votes, news agency ANI reported.

“Anyone who is uneducated or not fit to cast their vote can get another family member to do it. But here nine votes were cast with fake medical certificates. They are bringing government cars full of people, who cast votes. It’s a violation of election rules,” ANI quoted Digvijaya Singh as saying.

According to the report, workers of BJP and Congress were seen creating a ruckus as they gathered outside the Zilla Panchayat office in Bhopal on a large scale.

Condemning the incident, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said, “"Such indecent behaviour doesn't suit an ex-CM. He holds a Policeman by his collar, shouts & attempts to breach Collectorate Gate. It's disrespectful. Wins & losses continue in a democracy. But who gave the right to hold a cop by his collar? I condemn this.”

Meanwhile, CM Chouhan said that the BJP has registered a "one-sided" victory in the three-tier panchayat elections in the state.

"In the three-tier panchayat elections, the BJP emerged victorious in a one-sided manner in all the three formats (gram panchayat, janpad panchayat and zilla panchayat). People have supported the party in a major way in villages, towns and cities," Chouhan told news agency PTI after the results of the zila panchayat's presidents and vice-presidents were announced.

Notably, out of the 23,000 panchayats, BJP-supported candidates won the post of sarpanch in 90 per cent seats, that is in 20,613 panchayats, the CM said. Of them, 625 won unopposed.

Similarly, in 312 janpad panchayats, BJP-supported candidates won the post of president and vice-president in 227 and 20 others affiliated to the party also won. In the remaining 64 places, the Congress won, CM Chouhan added.