Jaipur: In a tragic incident, twenty-three people lost their lives and twenty seven got injured when a wall of a marriage hall collapsed due to heavy storm in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan on Wednesday night.

In the incident four children were also killed, as per police.

A marriage function was underway when a storm hit the venue. People at the venue rushed to find a place to hide and took shelter under a shed attached to a wall which collapsed suddenly.

District Collector NK Gupta said one of the injured people succumbed later taking the toll to 24.

Speaking to a news agency, IG said “the entire structure of the wall and the shed collapsed and those who had taken shelter got trapped”.

Superintendent of Police Anil Tank said, “The wall was nearly 90-feet long and 12-13 feet in height”.

Several food stalls were set up adjoining the wall. A tin shed was also attached to a portion of the wall.

"The injured were rushed to nearby hospitals immediately and treatment was administered. One injured has been referred for SMS Hospital in Jaipur,' he said.

The weather suddenly changed and heavy winds started blowing which led to the incident at Sewar Road.

The bodies have been shifted to a mortuary and postmortem will be conducted tomorrow, police sources said.

Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje condoled the deaths and gave necessary instructions to officers concerned for proper treatment of the injured.