A man was arrested for allegedly storing narcotics worth Rs 2.5 crore with the intention of distributing it during New Year celebrations in Bengaluru's prominent areas, police officials confirmed on Tuesday. Bengaluru Police Commissioner B Dayananda stated that the Central Crime Branch (CCB) Narcotics Squad acted on credible intelligence about banned substances stored in an apartment in Chokkanahalli.
A case under the NDPS Act was registered, and a raid led to the detention of the suspect.
Bengaluru Police Commissioner said, "Bengaluru City Police has been relentlessly pursuing the various drug peddlers who are trying to operate city, both local as well who are other state or even in certain cases from out of the countries and the Anti Narcotic Squad in one such operation has successfully apprehended a drug peddler in the process of selling drugs worth nearly about Rs 2.5 crores."
"From his possession, police have seized about 3.5 kg of hydro ganja, 16 kg of Marijuana, 40 LSD strips, 130 grams of charas and two mobile phones. The accused is a tattoo artist and besides being a tattoo artist he was also indulged in drug peddling," he said.
The drugs were reportedly sourced from multiple locations: LSD strips from Goa, Hydro Ganja from Thailand, Charas from Himachal Pradesh, and Marijuana from Telangana.
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The accused confessed to working with an accomplice who remains at large. Efforts are underway to apprehend him, police said.
Additionally, Bengaluru police have intensified their crackdown on narcotics. Seven police stations seized 33 kg of cannabis worth Rs 13 lakh, sourced from Tripura, Manipur, and Jharkhand, leading to 13 arrests. Another operation resulted in the seizure of Rs 10 lakh worth of MDMA and the arrest of six individuals.