Bengaluru news: Amid rising concerns over road rage and harassment by auto drivers in the city, a 20-year-old college student has alleged harassment, threat and racial slurs targetted against him by an auto driver. The student who is currently residing in Bengaluru as part of his internship also said that the auto driver demanded an additional Rs 120 apart from the fare.

In his post, the student detailed the ordeal, stating, "Got harassed and threatened by a Bengaluru auto driver. He has told me that he will beat me up outside my office whenever I go. And said racial slurs. He was asking for 200rs extra out of nowhere. Just a 20 year college student returning back from my internship."

The conflict escalated when the driver reportedly summoned two intoxicated friends to threaten the student and his friend. Fearing for their safety, the student paid Rs 500—Rs 400 in cash and Rs 100 via UPI—despite the app showing a fare of Rs 380. 

"Had to pay him 500rs (400cash + 100upi) instead of 380rs(as shown on app) so he leaves me and my friend alone as he called two of his drunk friends who were going to beat us. Continuously calling us slurs," he said. 

The incident has drawn attention online with the Bengaluru police responding promptly. They requested details from the student to initiate further action against the auto driver.

This incident comes in the wake of heightened scrutiny of auto drivers in Bengaluru. Just last week, two social media influencers conducted an experiment to expose potential biases among drivers. One influencer, communicating in Hindi, faced language-based discrimination, highlighting a troubling trend of prejudice against non-Kannada speakers.