New Delhi: Top BJP leaders on Saturday hailed the Supreme Court’s judgment in the decade-old Ram Janmbhoomi-Babri Masjid land dispute case and also urged people to maintain peace and hatmony. Defence Minister and senior BJP leader Rajnath Singh termed the verdict as "historic" and urged people to accept it with "equanimity" and "magnanimity".

Singh, who was the former BJP president and former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, said the apex court's judgement will further strengthen the country's social fabric and appealed to the people to maintain peace and harmony.

"It is a landmark judgement. This will strengthen the social fabric of the country, this is my faith. I appeal to all to maintain peace and to welcome the decision," Singh told media.

“The Judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court on Ayodhya is historic. The Judgement will further strengthen India’s social fabric.  I urge everyone to take the verdict with equanimity and magnanimity. I also appeal to the people to maintain peace & harmony after this landmark verdict,” Defence Minister tweeted after the verdict.

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari also welcomed the judgement of the Supreme Court and said, "everyone must accept the verdict".

"We all must respect the verdict of the court and accept the decision peacefully," he said.

The Supreme Court on Saturday gave the 2.77 acre disputed land in Ayodhya to the Hindus and asked the government to give an alternate land somewhere else to the Sunni Waqf Board, which was a party to the title suit, to build a mosque.

In the unanimous judgement, the five-member bench headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, directed the Centre to form within three months a trust which will build a temple at the disputed site in Ayodhya.