New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday deferred the crucial Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid land title dispute matter, the hearing for which was long impending, much to the rage of the several Hindu outfits and seer groups. Justice U U Lalit, who was part of a five-judge Constitution Bench to hear the case recused himself from the case, prompting the Supreme Court to reschedule the hearing on January 29 by setting up a fresh bench.

No sooner than the bench assembled, senior advocate Rajeev Dhavan, appearing for a Muslim party, told a bench headed by CJI Ranjan Gogoi that Justice Lalit appeared for former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Kalyan Singh in 1994. Though Dhavan said he was not seeking recusal of Justice Lalit, the judge himself opted out the hearing the matter.

Protests outside SC

The rescheduling of the hearing dates, angered a number of saints and Hindu devotees who had gathered outside the court waiting for the hearing. Outfits like Rashtriya Vichar Manch staged angry protests on the streets outside the court. Mahant Paramhans Das who was outraged at this deferment threatened that Ayodhya saints will have to take the laws in their hands if the Court does not give a verdict within one or two days by setting up a fast track court. Police made several arrests including many women protesters who staged angry demonstration after the day’s hearing, saying that the Court is testing the patience of Lord Ram's devotees.

Here are reactions of political figures to the adjournment of the case:

Union Minister Narendra Tomar said : "The judiciary has its own functioning and follows its , but still I would hope that court will take a decision soon as the thousands of people who have been waiting patiently deserve a verdict now.

Public interest lawyer and activist Prashant Bhushan tweeted after the court’s decision: “ It was absolutely right for CJI to make a 5 judge bench for hearing Ayodhya case. The selection of the CJI and next 5 CJIs was also fair. It was also proper for Justice Lalit to recuse himself from bench. Case will be listed on 29 before new bench for directions.”

Reacting to the adjournment of the case, Congress Leader Pramod Tiwari said: “Justice U U Lalit recused himself from the hearing as per the rule of the apex court. He had earlier appeared for Kalyan Singh. Now a new bench will be set up.”

He further said that: “It is obvious that the process will take time, the documents are thousands of pages.”

He trained his guns at the BJP and accused the party of disrupting harmony at the time of every crucial hearing. “The court’s decision should be accepted by all”, he said.

VHP leader Alok Kumar said that the adjournment of today’s hearing and the deferment till January 29 , was very disappointing.