Gujarat: In connection with attacks on Non-Gujaratis, especially those hailing from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in the state, additional forces were deployed in industrial areas in Gujarat for the security of Hindi-speaking migrants after attacks on them sparked their exodus

On Tuesday, a video in which Thakor is purportedly seen making a speech against migrant workers has gone viral and is considered to be responsible for the violence against Hindi-speaking population.

As per the subtitles of the video while Thakor was addressing a gathering in Gujarat’s Radhapur he said that all these people (non-Gujaratis) hailing from outside perpetrate crimes in the state and have led to a spurt in the criminal incidents. He said: “They kill villagers here and go back after committing the crime.”

Later in the video Thakor incited aggression by saying: “Companies’ trucks will be stopped, doors will be broken and their premises stormed.” He then asked: “How many people are ready to fight?” He further said: “Companies shall be stopped, these trucks shall be stooped and if necessary their tyres will be set ablaze. Rakesh Bhai Yadav has come to plunder the state.”

Earlier, Assuring security to the migrants, the Gujarat government said 533 people were arrested and 56 FIRs registered in connection with the attacks, as Chief Minister Vijay Rupani appealed to people not to engage in violence.

Since the rape of a 14-month-old girl in Sabarkantha district on September 28 and the arrest of a labourer hailing from Bihar for the crime, six districts, most of them in north Gujarat, have seen sporadic incidents of violence against Hindi-speaking people. The victim belongs to the Thakor community.

One Ravindra Sahu, a labourer hailing from Bihar and working in a local ceramic factory, was arrested the same day for the toddler's rape. After it came to light that the rape accused hailed from Bihar, the Kshatriya Thakor Sena said migrant workers from other states should not be given jobs in Gujarat.

A mob, allegedly led by Thakor Sena members, stormed a factory near Vadnagar town of Mehsana district on October 2 and thrashed two employees.

(input from agencies)