Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking an extension of his interim bail by 7 days to undergo medical tests according to the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). The AAP chief has sought time to undergo PET-CT scan and other medical tests. PET-CT scan is a test that is generally used to diagnose cancer and heart related diseases. The Supreme Court on May 10 granted interim bail to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the Delhi Liquor Policy case to campaign for Lok Sabha elections 2024.

The top court allowed interim release for Kejriwal for campaigning but said that he must surrender on June 2. The seventh and last phase of the Lok Sabha election will take place on June 1.

A bench of Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Justice Dipankar Datta noted that 21 days here or there should not make a difference to the investigation and he can surrender on June 2 after finishing election campaign. 

The top court has also concluded hearing Kejriwal's plea against ED arrest but reserved verdict.

The apex court while granting him bail barred him from the chief minister's office and said that in case it grants interim bail to Kejriwal it does not want him to perform any official duty. Following this, Arvind Kejriwal told the Supreme Court that he is willing to furnish an undertaking stating that he will not sign any official files if released on interim bail. 

"Arvind Kejriwal is the Chief Minister of Delhi and a leader of one of the national parties. No doubt, serious accusations have been made, but he has not been convicted. He does not have any criminal antecedents. He is not a threat to the society." the top court said in its order granting bail to Kejriwal.

"The election is coming and he is the elected chief minister of Delhi. He is not involved in any other case and is not a habitual offender," the bench headed by Sanjiv Khanna observed while hearing the arguments in the case.