The Aam Aadmi Party will announce the name of Arvind Kejriwal's successor as the Chief Minister of Delhi on Tuesday afternoon. The name of the new CM will be announced after the legislative party meeting sources said.

Arvind Kejriwal, who walked out of Tihar jail on bail on Friday, will tender his resignation as the Delhi Chief Minister to Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena ahead of the announcement. Kejriwal was granted bail by the Supreme Court in the Delhi liquor policy case after it found that the CBI's opposition to the bail plea was untenable.

Soon after being granted bail, he announced his plan to resign on Sunday. He also called for early elections in Delhi. He said he was vacating the CM's chair and would not sit on it till the people of Delhi certified that "Kejriwal is honest".

Who Will Be The Next CM Of Delhi?

Soon after Arvind Kejriwal's announcement, the names of several probables for the post of the Delhi Chief Minister. Among the frontrunners is Delhi's water and education minister Atishi.


What works in Atishi's favour is that she has become the face of the AAP over the past few months. Atishi is a strong leader and is handling 14 ministries, including education, water, PWD, revenue, and planning.

Moreover, Kejriwal had recommended Atishi's name from jail to hoist the national flag on Independence Day at a special programme at Chhatrasal Stadium on the occasion.

Kailash Gehlot

The next name in the race for the CM's post is Kailash Gehlot. He has handled ministries ranging from law to transport, IT, revenue, planning, and home ministry for the Delhi government. Naming Gehlot, a Jat, the CM will also be a boost for the AAP in the elections in Haryana, where the community comprises nearly 28% of the population.

Gopal Rai

The third name in the race for the CM post is that of Gopal Rai's. He has been an integral part of the Aam Aadmi Party since it came to power for the first time. Gopal Rai was the product of the movement against corruption in India before entering politics and is known for his clean image. The biggest strength of Gopal Rai is that he has been strongly associated with both the organisation and the government.

Saurabh Bharadwaj

Three-time MLA from Greater Kailash Saurabh Bharadwaj is also a strong contender for the post. He heads key departments such as vigilance and health at present in the Arvind Kejriwal government. He, too, has become one of the faces of the AAP I Delhi. He is known to be close to Arvind Kejriwal and was among the first to reach Arvind Kejriwal's residence the day he was arrested by the ED in the Delhi liquor policy case.

Raghav Chadha

Rajya Sabha MLA Raghav Chadha has been a vocal member of the AAP and one of its nationally known faces. An articulate speaker, Chadha has been with Kejriwal since the AAP's inception and played a major role in the AAP's massive win in Punjab in the 2022 assembly elections. At 35 years, Raghav Chadha is among the nation's youngest MPs.

While there is no dearth of choices for Arvind Kejriwal to select his successor, the AAP does run the risk of a rebellion. Recently, Jharkhand saw a big rebellion when Champai Soren quit the party and joined the BJP after he was asked to vacate the CM's seat for Hemant Soren who was released from jail a few days earlier.

While Arvind Kejriwal has a loyal following of leaders within the AAP, it would be a tough job to remove that person from the post in order to reinstall Arvind Kejriwal in a scenario in which AAP wins the Delhi Elections. The Delhi Assembly polls are due in February.