New Delhi: January 15 is celebrated as the Indian Army day to honour and recognise Field Marshal Kodandera M. Cariappa's taking over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from General Francis Bucher, the last British Commander-in-Chief of India on January 15, 1949. 

Every year, on this day the different units of the Indian army carry out parades at the Cariappa Parade ground in Delhi. This year’s parade began with the Chiefs of India’s three armed forces paying tribute to the martyrs at the National War Memorial by laying a flower wreath. 

The tribute-paying ceremony was followed by an address by the Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane. In his address, General Naravane talked about the current situation at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and said that the last year has been difficult for the army.

“Last year was challenging for the Army because of the China tensions and to keep the situation under control the 14th meeting took place recently. There was disengagement at multiple points,” he said. 

He further added that “In LOC, the situation is better than last year but Pakistan is still harbouring terrorists near the border. Nearly 300-400 terrorists are waiting to intrude in India. A total of 144 terrorists were killed in counter operations.”

Talking about the gender inclusivity in the armed forces, he said that now women cadets can also appear for NDA exams and can handle more responsibilities. “Army has taken major steps to give equal opportunity to women. Now they can be in a high position and take bigger responsibilities. This year in NDA, women cadets will also be included and women pilot sanction will begin as Army pilots,” he added.

During the parade, the new combat uniform of the Army’s Parachute Regiment commandos was also unveiled for the first time in public.