The police detained Tamil Nadu BJP Mahila Morcha members including actor-turned-politician Khusbhu Sundar for staging a protest against Tamil Nadu government demanding justice over alleged sexual assault in Anna University on Friday. The protest, termed a "Justice Rally," was led by BJP members from Madurai to Chennai but was interrupted when police detained several participants.
The protest comes after a second-year engineering student of Anna University was sexually assaulted in the campus while she was with her friend on December 23.
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Tamil Nadu BJP chief K. Annamalai took to X (formerly Twitter) to criticize the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) government, alleging attempts to suppress dissent. Annamalai said, "Under this DMK Govt in TN, history sheeters & sexual offenders roam freely under the disguise of being a DMK Functionary, but @BJP4TamilNadu functionaries are being constantly harassed for being the voice of the people."
"@BJP4TamilNadu Mahila Morcha functionaries were either arrested or kept under house arrest across various districts today to prevent them from participating in the rally in Madurai to seek Justice for the female Student who was sexually assaulted by a DMK functionary," he said.
Annamalai further questioned the DMK's actions, stating, "Why is the DMK government so afraid of being exposed for protecting criminals that it resorts to silencing those who seek justice?"
Earlier, Annamalai whipped himself in front of his residence in Coimbatore and announced that he would not wear footwear until DMK is ousted from the power.
Meanwhile, PMK leader Sowmya Anbumani and NTK chief Seeman were arrested for staging a protest against the sexual assault in Anna University.