Kolkata: Union Home Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Amit Shah on Friday urged the people of West Bengal to give Narendra Modi-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) a chance in next Assembly elections, due to 2021. Shah, who is on a two-day tour of West Bengal, assured that if voted to power, BJP will deliver ‘Sonar Bangla’ within 5 years. ALSO READ | Amit Shah Attacks Mamata Govt On Appeasement Politics After Performing 'Kali Puja'; Will This Make Way For BJP In Bengal?

Further attacking Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, the veteran BJP leader said that West Bengal gave reigns of the state to Trinamool Congress (TMC) in 2010, but all of its promises have been proved to be hollow and hopes of people have turned into despair.

"Give a chance to Narendra Modi's leadership, we will make 'Sonar Bangla' within five years. Our aim is the development of West Bengal," Shah said while speaking at a press conference.

"Trinamool didn't shy away from corruption even during Covid-19 and flood relief work... They have made three sets of laws in the state - one for the nephew (of Mamata Banerjee), one for their vote bank, and one for the common Bengali," the Home Minister said.

"Our aim is to build a strong Bengal in a new era of development. Meanwhile Mamata Banerjee's aim is to make her nephew the development and the next CM of the state," said Shah.

Further attack TMC chief over murders of BJP leaders in the state, Shah said Bengal tops the chart in political killings. "I want to ask Mamata Banerjee to come out with a white paper on the killings Mamata Banerjee to come out with a white paper on the killings," he said.

Shah also alleged that the borders in West Bengal are not secure and infiltration is going on in the state. The BJP leader also assured that the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) will be implemented as it is the commitment of his party.

Earlier in the day, Shah paid a visit to a Matua household in Baguihati in the northern fringes of the city and had his lunch there. The BJP veteran leader had vegetarian Bengali food served on a plate with a banana leaf on it.

Before reaching the residence of Nabin Biswas, a member of the community, Shah went to a temple of the Matuas in the locality where he spent some time. A tight security blanket was thrown in the area in view of the BJP leader's visit and all shops were closed before he reached it.

Shah is on a two-day tour to the state to take stock of the party's organisation before the 2021 assembly polls in West Bengal due in April-May. Friday is the final day of his tour to the state.