The Congress on Monday blamed Union Minister Smriti Irani and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers for vandalising several vehicles parked outside Congress party office in Uttar Pradesh's Amethi. The party took to X and shared videos of the alleged incident and said that Smriti Irani and BJP workers are badly scared of facing defeat in Amethi, Uttar Pradesh. The Congress in its X post has alleged that Police stood as mute spectator to all this, where many were left injured.

They further wrote that BJP goons armed with sticks and rods reached outside the Congress office in Amethi and vandalised vehicles parked there. The Congress has accused BJP workers of not only vandalising cars outside Party office but also beating up locals in Amethi. A police probe is on in the case. 

"There was an attack on Congress workers and the people of Amethi. Many people are badly injured in this attack… This incident shows that the BJP is going to lose badly in Amethi,” the Congress posted in Hindi while sharing a video of the alleged incident.



Several vehicles parked outside the Congress office in Amethi were allegedly vandalised on Sunday night. The police said they are investigating the matter, the Congress targeted the BJP for the attack in which some Congress workers also sustained injuries.

In the 2019 General Assembly Elections, Amethi witnessed a fiercely contested battle between RahulGandhi and Smriti Irani. BJP candidate Smriti Irani won the 2019 General Election with a victory margin of 55,120 votes, securing 4,68,514 votes. Rahul Gandhi got 4,13,394 votes.