AAP leader and Delhi minister Gopal Rai on Saturday said the party will commemorate the birth anniversary of B R Ambedkar on April 14 with its 'Samvidhan Bachao, Tanashahi Hatao Divas' nationwide campaign. Gopal Rai said that party members would read out the preamble of the Constitution and pledge to safeguard the foundational document of the nation.

During a press conference at the party office, the Minister said the BJP is “attacking our democracy and constitution". "To counter that, we need to be united," he said.

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"On Sunday, we will be holding a day-long programme — Samvidhan Bachao, Tanashahi Hatao Divas — where the AAP workers will gather at party offices in their states and take an oath to save our democracy and constitution," he also said. "The event will be held at the party offices in the state capitals across the country," the AAP leader announced.

'Delhi CM Advised To Organise The Event'

The programme is being held on the advice of Kejriwal, reported news agency PTI. In another message from the jail, Kejriwal had asked AAP MLAs and volunteers to work to ensure that the people of Delhi face no problem, Rai was quoted as saying by the agency.

Rai stated that the event is set to take place at AAP's state headquarters nationwide, as directed by party leader Arvind Kejriwal. Rai reiterated that on April 14, AAP members across India would gather before posters or photographs of Ambedkar, the chief architect of the Constitution, to pledge their dedication to upholding the Constitution.

Arvind Kejriwal, the national convener of the AAP, is being held in Tihar jail on charges related to a money-laundering case that has been connected to the now-scrapped Delhi excise policy. The AAP has staged protests and agitation in Delhi and other cities, describing the act as an abuse of agencies by the central government.