Allu Arjun bail: 'Pushpa 2' actor Allu Arjun has been granted regular bail in the Sandhya Theatre stampede case in Hyderabad on Friday. He has also been asked to submit a bond of Rs 50,000 as sureties. On December 4, a stampede occurred as actor Allu Arjun attended the premiere of his movie "Pushpa 2: The Rule" at Sandhya Threatre in Hyderabad. The stampede incident at the cinema hall led to the death of a woman and serious head injuries to her son, who is currently receiving treatment at a hospital in Hyderabad.
After the incident, the police registered a case against Allu Arjun and the threatre management under sections of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). Later, he was called for questioning at Chikkadpally police station.
On December 13, he was arrested by the police. On the same day, Telangana HC granted four-week interim bail to the actor. On December 14, after staying in prison overnight, he was released on bail the next day.
After the incident, CM Revanth Reddy accused Allu Arjun of neglecting public safety. He also slammed the film personalities for meeting 'Pushpa 2' star after his release on bail. Narrating the events, Telangana CM Revanth Reddy said, "Akbaruddin Owaisi submitted a request to the Chikkadpally police station on 2nd December to make arrangements for the cast and crew of Pushpa 2 coming to Sandhya theatre for the film's release on 4th December. On 3rd December, the Chikkadpally Circle inspector gave a written reply rejecting the request citing that since the theatre is in a crowded place and has only one exit and entry point, the police will not be able to control (any bad situation)."
However, he said that the hero visited the cinema hall next day and even did a roadshow on RTC X Road.
He said: "(After the stampede) The ACP went to ask the hero to leave to gain control of the mob. At first, the actor refused saying that he would leave after finishing the movie. Then the DCP had to intervene, asking the hero to leave or he would be arrested as two people had already fallen outside... Even while leaving, he again came out of the roof and did a roadshow."