An Air India passenger took to social media to complain about finding a cockroach in the in-flight meal she was served while flying from Delhi to New York. The woman also shared a video clip and photos of the cockroach stuck inside the omelette she had ordered for her daughter and herself. She claimed to have suffered food poisoning after consuming the contaminated food.

The airline responded to the passenger's complaint saying that it was aware of the matter and had taken it up with the catering service provider for further investigation.

Expressing concern over the incident, an Air India spokesperson said in a statement: "We are aware of a social media post by a passenger regarding a foreign object in the onboard meal offered to them on AI 101 operating from DEL to JFK on 17 September 2024."

"We will take necessary actions to prevent any recurrence of such instances in future," the spokesperson said.

In a post on X, the Air India passenger stated that she found a cockroach in the omelette served on the flight en route New York. She wrote: "My 2 year old finished more than half of it with me when we found this. Suffered from food poisoning as a result." 

The passenger, Suyesha Rawat, also tagged Air India, aviation regulator DGCA, and Civil Aviation Minister K Rammohan Naidu in the X post.

In the statement, the Air India spokesperson said that the airline is concerned about the incident the customer had to experience and assured the matter was under investigation, news agency PTI reported.

Further, the spokesperson also stated that Air India works with reputed caterers who supply meals to various leading airlines globally. The airline stressed these caterers follow stringent SOPs and that the meals undergo multiple checks to ensure their quality before being served to the guests.