Film director P Balachandrakumar who played a crucial role in exposing actor Dileep’s alleged involvement in the 2017 Kerala actor abduction and assault case passed away on Friday due to kidney failure at a private hospital in Chengannur. He was 52 and had been battling kidney and heart-related ailments.
In 2021, Balachandrakumar’s statement created a major turning point in the high-profile case. He alleged that Dileep, the eighth accused, had videos of the assault captured by the main accused, Sunil Kumar (alias Pulsar Suni). He also claimed to have seen Suni at Dileep’s residence and accused the actor of attempting to influence witnesses, as reported by IANS.
Following this, Dileep was arrested in 2017 after multiple rounds of questioning. Dileep spent three months in jail before being released on bail.
Balachandrakumar remained a key witness despite his deteriorating health. He frequently appeared before the trial court. His last court appearance was on November 11 after which his condition worsened. Earlier this week, he underwent heart surgery but succumbed while recovering at a hospital in Alappuzha district.
The actress abduction case dates back to 2017, when the victim was assaulted in a moving car in Kochi. Pulsar Suni, the main accused, was recently granted bail by the Supreme Court after spending seven years in jail. Suni, who had been working as a driver on film sets since 2010, was reportedly known to Dileep.
According to the police investigation, Dileep and the victim had a strained relationship. It was alleged that Dileep harbored resentment towards the actress for allegedly informing his former wife about his relationship with another actor.
Balachandrakumar’s funeral will be held in the state capital district, where he hailed from. His passing comes at a critical juncture, with the trial in the actor abduction case nearing its conclusion.
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