New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led NDA government exactly a month a ago, on August 5, 2019, took a bold and far-reaching decision that sought to redraw the map and future of Jammu and Kashmir. The government revoked Article 370 which gave special status to J&K and proposed that the state be bifurcated into two union territories, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.

Article 370 had given special status to Jammu and Kashmir. Article 370 and 35A collectively defined that the state's residents live under a separate set of laws, including those related to citizenship, ownership of property, and fundamental rights, as compared to the resident of other Indian states. It had also barred citizens from other states to purchase land or property in Jammu and Kashmir.

So now the question here arises, will the abrogation of Article 370 benefit Jammu and Kashmir?

ABP News conducted a survey across the country to check the mood of citizen and it was found that more than 73% of people believe that the move to revoke Article 370 will benefit the people of the valley, while around 6% of the population say, the government's decision will not help the people of J&K in any way possible. However, around 20% of people couldn't analyse the impact of the step taken by the Narendra Modi government.

Will Jammu and Kashmir benefit from revoking Article 370?

Don't know/Can't say - 20.6%
Yes - 73.1%
No - 6.3%

In his response to a query in Lok Sabha whether the new provisions would also include Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), Home Minister Amit Shah had asserted that PoK and Aksai Chin are very much part of Jammu and Kashmir, and had said "we are ready to give our lives for it". So when the masses were asked that should the government now put in efforts to bring back PoK, the survey suggested that more than 79% of people want the government to take effective steps to bring back the territory in the possession of Pakistan. While 14.4% of the people said they are not sure about what should be the Centre's next step.

Should the government now put in efforts to bring back PoK?

Don't know/Can't say - 14.4%
Yes - 78.7%
No - 6.9%

The ties between India and Pakistan remain tense since India amended its constitution and integrated Jammu and Kashmir more closely with the rest of the country. Even Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan’s last ditch attempt to draw the US onto its side ahead of the UNSC meet failed when after speaking to him, US President Donald Trump said India and Pakistan should sort out this matter bilaterally.

So should there is any kind of talks with Pakistan? While India has taken a strong stand on no bilateral talks with Pakistan, unless it is on PoK, 49.7% of the masses seem to stand with the Centre's decision. However, 36.5% still believe that both the countries should engage in bilateral talks to further descend the tensed relationship.

Should there is any kind of talks with Pakistan?

Don't know/Can't say - 13.8%
Yes - 36.5%
No - 49.7%

Disclaimer: The survey was conducted on a sample size of 11,308 people. All India representative sample covering all states over last week of August 2019. It was a pan India survey.