New Delhi: In the wake of ongoing nationwide protests against the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), ABP New along with C-Voter brings to you an exclusive survey to find out whether the newly introduced law is for the betterment of the country or not.

The snap poll was carried out on over 3,000 citizens across the country between December 17 to 19 with booster sample of over 500 people each in Assam, the northeast and Muslim community collected during the same period.

The survey stated majority of the people believe that the Citizenship Amendment Act introduced by the Central government is not against the Muslim community. According to the survey, 56 per cent people think that CAA is not against Muslim community and will only rule out illegal immigrants living in the country. However, 32 per cent of the participants feel that the law is against the Muslim community. 8 per cent people, in the survey, said that they do not know about the act, whereas 4 per cent said that CAA is against everyone.

The survey also revealed that among Muslims, 63 per cent were against the act, 35 supported it and 1 per cent said that they they don't know or cannot comment. In the Hindus, 67 per cent supported the Act and 32 per cent opposed it.

ALSO READ | Citizenship Amendment Act: Centre Releases Five Clauses To Acquire Indian Citizenship

When asked about do you support government over its decision to implement the Citizenship Amendment Act, 62 per cent people said Yes they do. However, 37 per cent of the respondents said they do not support the government for this controversial law.

To a question over if they support the stand taken by the government and the opposition parties on the CAA, 59 per cent people across the country favoured the government while 32 per cent supported the opposition parties.

Hindus and Muslims remained divided on supporting the government stand on CAA as 67 per cent Hindus voted in favour of the government while 71 per cent Muslims supported the stand taken by the opposition parties over the Act.

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Interestingly, when asked whether the Constitution of India has been violated by Citizenship Amendment Act, the survey shows a neck and neck response. While 47 per cent people think  Constitution of India has not been violated by the act, other 47 per cent think the other way around and say that YES, Constitution of India has been violated by the controversial act. 6 per cent people said they cannot comment on this.

Further, when asked if the Citizenship Act will increase India's population and burden the economy, 64 per cent people responded in YES. However, 34 per cent people said that the act will not increase population nor burden the economy.

WATCH | CAA protests: Section 144 imposed in UP till January 31

The survey also says that as much as 55 per cent people feel that the government has NOT lived up to the responsibility of giving complete and accurate information to the public about the Citizenship Amendment Act. Respondents supporting the government over this question were 56 per cent.

A strong 37 per cent respondents feel that it is the government that has created confusion amongst the public on the Citizenship Amendment Act. 29 per cent of the people blame Opposition for creating confusion and misleading the public, whereas 20 per cent feel that it is media that responsible for the bewilderment.

On one of the most important and hotbed question of should NRC be implemented across the country, a massive 65 per cent people responded in YES, while mere 28 per cent think NRC should not be implemented across the country. 6 per cent people said they cannot comment on the issue.